wtorek, 28 czerwca 2022

Łamliwość kości w EDS6a

Niestety pacjenci z typem VI jak zwykle są bardziej narażeni na wszystko, także na złamania. To wyjaśnia, dlaczego po latach znajduje się w jakimś przypadkowym badaniu złamania, o których nie mieliśmy pojęcia. 

"Recent findings: Low bone mineral density and fractures seem to be frequent in some of the rare EDS types (kyphoscoliotic, arthrochalasia, spondylodysplastic, and classic-like EDS). For the more prevalent hypermobile and classic EDS types, some case-control studies found mildly decreased bone mineral density, but it was not clear that fracture rates were increased. Nevertheless, abnormalities in vertebral shape seem to be common in classical and hypermobile EDS types. In a cohort of individuals with EDS followed since birth, no fractures were observed during infancy. Bone mineral density varies widely among the different types of EDS, and vertebral abnormalities seem to be common in classical and hypermobile EDS. It might be justified to perform spine radiographs and bone mineral density assessments in newly diagnosed EDS".

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